JavaScript - kolejny test w JEST (TDD)
Opublikowano śro 10 czerwca 2020 w testy • 2 min read
Poniższy wpis powstał na podstawie tego materiału, patrz również tutaj i jego założeniem jest próbą wprowadzenia do TDD (test driven development). W pierwszej kolejności znane są wytyczne/scenariusz funkcji następnie powstaje test a na jego podstawie funkcja
Zadanie stwórz funkcję spełniającą następujące warunki
1. Bob answers 'Sure.' if you ask him a question.
2. He answers 'Whoa, chill out!' if you yell at him.
3. He retorts 'Calm down, I know what I'm doing!' if you yell a question at him.
4. He says 'Fine. Be that way!' if you address him without actually saying anything.
5. He answers 'Whatever.' to anything else.
Test 1
const talkToBob = require('./talkToBob');
test("answers Sure, if ask him a question", () => {
expect(talkToBob("How are You?")).toBe("Sure")
function talkToBob(info = "") {
if(info.endsWith("?")) return "Sure";
module.exports = talkToBob;
Test 2
const talkToBob = require('./talkToBob');
describe('Function - talkToBob', () => {
test("answers Sure, if ask him a question", () => {
expect(talkToBob("How are You?")).toBe("Sure")
test("Answers 'Whoa, chill out!' if you yell at him", () => {
expect(talkToBob("WHAT?")).toBe("Whoa, chill out!")
function talkToBob(info = "") {
if(info.endsWith("?") && info !== info.toUpperCase()) return "Sure";
if(info === info.toUpperCase()) return "Whoa, chill out!";
module.exports = talkToBob;
Test 3
const talkToBob = require('./talkToBob');
describe('Function - talkToBob', () => {
test("answers Sure, if ask him a question", () => {
expect(talkToBob("How are You?")).toBe("Sure")
test("Answers 'Whoa, chill out!' if you yell at him", () => {
expect(talkToBob("DON'T")).toBe("Whoa, chill out!")
test("He retorts 'Calm down, I know what I'm doing!' if you yell a question at him.", () => {
expect(talkToBob("WHAT?")).toBe("Calm down, I know what I'm doing!")
function talkToBob(info = "") {
if(info.endsWith("?") && info !== info.toUpperCase()) return "Sure";
if(info === info.toUpperCase() && !info.endsWith("?")) return "Whoa, chill out!";
if(info.endsWith("?")) return "Calm down, I know what I'm doing!";
if(info === "") return "Fine. Be that way!";
else return 'Whatever.'
module.exports = talkToBob;
Test 4-5
const talkToBob = require('./talkToBob');
describe('Function - talkToBob', () => {
test("answers Sure, if ask him a question", () => {
expect(talkToBob("How are You?")).toBe("Sure")
test("Answers 'Whoa, chill out!' if you yell at him", () => {
expect(talkToBob("DON'T")).toBe("Whoa, chill out!")
test("He retorts 'Calm down, I know what I'm doing!' if you yell a question at him.", () => {
expect(talkToBob("WHAT?")).toBe("Calm down, I know what I'm doing!")
test("He says 'Fine. Be that way!' if you address him without actually saying anything.", () => {
expect(talkToBob("")).toBe('Fine. Be that way!')
test("He answers 'Whatever.' to anything else.", () => {
function talkToBob(info = "") {
if(info.endsWith("?") && info !== info.toUpperCase()) return "Sure";
if(info === info.toUpperCase() && !info.endsWith("?") && info.length !== 0 ) return "Whoa, chill out!";
if(info.endsWith("?")) return "Calm down, I know what I'm doing!";
if(info === "") return "Fine. Be that way!";
else return 'Whatever.'
module.exports = talkToBob;
::: Niezastosowanie przy drugim warunku && info.length !== 0
a wprowadzenie dowolnej wartości jako domyślnej wprowadzanego, który stanie się wywołaniem czwartego warunku nie spełni wymogu założonego przez piąty test:::
Źródła: --TDD